Good results of VDL-offspring in Wellington

1.35m class
1st Gideon by Arezzo VDL, ridden by Laura Chapot (USA)

1.30m class
3rd Katima by Dakar VDL, ridden by Delaney Flynn (USA)
1.40 class
1st JDP Dougland by Douglas, ridden by Nathalie Dean (USA)
2nd Idool by Zirocco Blue VDL, ridden by Shane Sweetnam (IRL)
5th Elea Blue by Zirocco Blue VDL, ridden by Katherine A. Dinan (USA)

WEF graduated Heros S v. Zirocco Blue VDL, takes a 2nd and 5th place in the 1.30m classes with rider Charlotte Murray (AUS). Heros S is sold in 2018 WEF Sport Horse Auction. This year the 2022 auction will take place at the 3rd of March. Stay tuned by our social media channels and website

JDP Dougland (Douglas x Corland)

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