�There were successes for offspring of VDL stallions at several international horse shows.
At CSI of Vilamoura, the Chin Chin-son Dynamit van Zoorvliet was 10th in a 5 year old horse competition against the clock.
The Jus De Pommes-mare, Une Pomme de Wijnendal was 7th in a 1.30m against the clock competition, 8th in a 1.30m two phases competition and 10th in a 1.30m group competition.
At the� CSI of�Birmingham, the Indoctro-mare Popcorn was 7th in a 1.40m speed and handiness competition.
At the CSI�Spring Toscana Tour Arezzo,�the Corland-son Troubleshooter was 3rd in a 1.35m two phases competition and Calgary (v. Indoctro) was 8th in a 1.40m mixed competition�
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