This saturday: Wolden Summersale

After a succesfull 1st edition of� the Wolden Summersale the HBC Stal,
Jan Broek
and the VDL Stud now organize the 2nd edition of the Wolden
Summersale. Again they�selected a collection of young talentful jumpers
and 8 promising foals.�

The auction will be held at Saturday the 19th of July during the national
Concours Hippique 'De Wolden' in Veeningen. The auction starts at 19:00 hour.
The foals will be presentated at 17:00 hours.

The selected jumpers are presentated at Thursday the 17th of July around 18:00
hours. There is also the possibility to ride the horses at the owners place, this
is possible until the 16th of July.

For more information about the horses and the foals you can click at the following links:

Wolden Summersale (for English information)

Wolden Summersale (for Dutch Information)

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