Zavall wins again

Zavall VDL and Jur Vrieling won the 2nd round of the Stallioncompetition of the Z-class. They again were the first combination to start in the jump-off and made a time that nobody could beat. There was also a clear round in the jump-off for VDL Zelote, ridden by Mark Jespers, they placed 9th.

In the M-class there were 3 VDL stallions with a clear round: Chello III, Azteca and Arezzo. Chello III, ridden by Marcel de Boer unfortunately had 1 down in the jump-off and placed 9th. Azteca and Arezzo both made a clear round in the jump-off. Azteca, ridden by Jur Vrieling placed 3rd and Arezzo, ridden by Dennis van Tilburg placed 4th.

In the L-class VDL Stallions jumped very well. Baltic , ridden by Jur Vrieling, received again a very high score and placed 2nd. Boss, ridden by Dennis van Tilburg placed 4th and Bugatti, ridden by Marcel de Boer, placed 8th.


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