Valentino Velvet (s. Indoctro) 4th and Udento (s. Cardento) 9th in Grand Prix�s Salzburg

Valentino Velvet (s. Indoctro) and Simon Delestre placed 4e in the 4* Grand Prix of Salzburg in Austria. Udento (s. Cardento) and Catherine Nicole Tyree placed 9th in the 2* Grand Prix of Salzburg.
"" Udento

During the 4* show Wodka Lime (s. Indorado), ridden by Christian Schranz, placed 9th in a 1.50m class against the clock and Ronaldo (s. Ahorn), ridden by Carlos Eduardo Mota Ribas, placed 2nd in a 1.45m class against the clock.
Nirvana (s. Nimmerdor) and Sophia Langwallner won the ‘Kleine Salzburger Championat’ for Amateurs. They also placed 2nd and 9th.
During the 2* show, offspring of VDL stallions placed as follows:
10th 1.40m class: Casper (s. Cardento), ridden by Andreas Krieg
1st 1.35m class against the clock: Sering (s. Emilion), ridden by Simone Coata
6th and 7th 1.30m classes against the clock: Alexia K (s. Sheraton), ridden by Marcel Wolf
10th 1.30m class against the clock: Made in Margot (s. Emilion), ridden by Kevin Melliger

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