There were topresults today at the KWPN maretest at Sonnega. Rider Elisah Aarts showed 5 mares of the VDL Stud to the jury. All 5 mares did very well and passed for their IBOP test with high scores. The highest score of the day was for Hanolivia VDL (Douglas x Indorado). She received a total of 85 points and hereby she received a 9 for her reflexes. Other VDL mares that passed the test were:
Hevita VDL (Quaprice x Cassini I) , score of 81 points
Heibe (Bubalu x Nekton), score of 82 points
Hakilly DZ (Harley x Calvados) score of 79 points
Hoklahoma VDL (Inshallah de Muze x Emilion) score of 76 points
The mare Cuba Libre W Z (Carrera x Kannan), bred and owned by K.J. van Weperen, also received a topscore for her IBOP with 84 points.
