VDL Wizard (Gentleman x Ahorn) and Callan Solem became 10th in the Worldcup Qualifier of Lexington in America.
Cafino (Cardento x Roderik), ridden by Victoria Colvin placed 9th in the Grand Prix of Lexington and Woklahoma (Sheraton x Calvados), ridden by Roberto Teran Tafur, placed 10th, Woklahoma als won a 1.50m class.
3rd 1.50m class: VDL Bravo S (Ephepe For Ever), ridden by Hunter Holloway
7th 1.50m class: Harley David (Harley Vdl x Randel Z), ridden by Nicole Bellissimo
7th 1.50m class: Constable II (Harley VDL x Lupicor), ridden by Laura Kraut
7e 1.50m class: Beezie (s. Cardento), ridden by Hayley Barnhill
6th and 8th 1.45m classes: Constable II (Harley VDL x Lupicor), ridden by Laura Kraut
twice 10th 1.45m classes: Indigo (Indoctro x Dutchman), ridden by Margie Goldstein Engle
3rd 1.40m amateur/owner class: Zidante (s. Cantos), ridden by Cruciotti, Kelli
8th and 9th 1.40m amateur/owner classes: Bigshot (s. Indoctro), ridden by Callie Smith,
9th 1.40m amateur/owner class: Werner 61 (s. Cardento), ridden by Haley Gassel
