Hortensia vd Leeuwerk (s. Corland) 10th in Grand Prix Coapexpan

Hortensia vd Leeuwerk (Corland x Argentinus) and Manuel Gonzalez Dufrane became 10th in the Grand Prix of Coapexpan in Mexico. They also placed 5th in a 1.50m class.

More offspring of our stallions placed as follows:
4th 1.50m class: Cenzo (Harley VDL x Cavalier) and Conor Swail
6th 1.50m class: Guru (Douglas x Clover Brigade), ridden by Federico Fernandez
3rd 1.45m class: Galileo de Laubry (Cardento x Askan de Lauzelle), ridden by Antonio Maurer
6th 1.45m class: Balestha (Indorado x Farmer), ridden by Mariano Maggi
5th 1.40m class: Discento (Cardento x Indoctro), ridden by Felipo Godinho Marcon

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