James Billington had some great results with the VDL Stallions Comfortuna VDL and Baltic VDL at the CSI Roosendaal. With Comfortuna (Berlin x Nimmerdor) he placed 5th in a 1.40m class and with Baltic (Quaprice x Jus de Pomme) he finished 8th in a 1.45m class.
Dha Dha (Douglas x Roven xx ), ridden by Bianca Schoenmakers won a 1.40m class and also placed 9th in another 1.40m class.
Waterstone (Silverstone x Ahorn) won a 1.35m class with his rider Emile Tacken.
Also the following offspring of VDL stallions were high placed at Roosendaal:
2nd 1.20m Denzel II (Cantos x Orame), ridden by Vicky Burns
4th 1.45m Cenzo (Harley x Cavalier), ridden by Gerco Schroder
5th 1.20m Scorpio d’Epic (chin Chin x Galoubet A), ridden by Axelle Cotteaux
6th 1.35m Evita W (Arezzo x Matterhorn), ridden by Joe Whitaker
7th 1.45m Electra B (Arezzo x Paladin), ridden by Richard Howley
7th 1.35m Fireball (Wittinger x Darco), ridden by Kevin Jochems
7th 1.30m + 6th 1.20m Cappucino (Indoctro x Burggraaf), ridden by Imke Kort
7th 1.30m Flair (Zirocco Blue x Indoctro), ridden by Ruben Romp
9th 1.30m Farah (Arezzo x Concorde), ridden by Kim Emmen
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