Granito Noordenhoek (Corland x Cash) was placed as 4
th in 1* Grand Prix of ‘De Peelbergen’. Grantio Noordenhoek is ridden by Leon Thijssen.
FFw88 (s. Azteca VDL) was placed ass 6
th in de 2* Grand Prix of de peelbergen.
Harry Weerning rode Gweedore vd Groote Kamps Z (Glasgow van ‘t Merelsnest x Corland) and they were placed in all the competition for 7-year old showjumpers. They were placed as 2
nd, 4
th and 6
Eager Blue (s. Zirocco Blue) won a 1.20m competition and was also placed as 2
nd in a 1.20m competition. Eager Blue is ridden by Alma Ranebo.
Ibrahim (Zapatero x Wolfgang) was placed as 3
rd in a 1.20m compettion. Ibrahim is ridden by Margrethe Hartmann.
Also offspring of Carrera VDL were placed in this show. Costa del Sol BZ (Carrera x Lancelot) was placed twice in a competition for 5 en 6-year old showjumpers. Costa del Sol and rider Olivia Skinner were placed as 4
th and as 7
Genesis HB (Carrera x Wittinger) were placed as 6
th in a 1.35m competition and placed as 10
th in a 1.40m competition. He is ridden by Jamie Wingrove.
Other results during CSI ‘de peelbergen’:
- 3e in 1.45m competition: Dobbey (Zirocco Blue x Grosso Z) and Lars Kersten
- 4e in 1.40m competition: Enjoy (Chello III x Perion) and Rossen Taitchev
- 8e en 10e in 1.40m competition: Emmely (Indorado x Heartbreaker) and Kathrin Müller
- 2e in 1.35m competition: Dubai (Cantos x Lux) and Nick van den Broek
- 4e in 1.30m competition: Granito Noordenhoek (Corland x Cash)and Leon Thijssen
- 7e in 1.30m competition: Giwana (Baltic x Indoctro)and Lars Kersten
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