Kosmos A (by Arezzo) wins the 1.35m at Vilamoura

On Sunday, Kosmos A (by Arezzo) and Laura Renwick managed to beat all competition and claim victory in the 1.35m. Two days before, the duo secured a nice second place in the 1.40m. The 7-year-old Arezzo son is bred by C. Ardts from Hap.

Hard to Beat (by Indoctro) managed to place in the top 10 at Vilamoura in six classes on a row over the past two weeks. The Indoctro son won the 1.30m with Irish Molly Taylor on Sunday. The day before, they also managed a nice second place in the 1.30m. Hard to Beat (by Indoctro) is bred by J. Aalders.

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Kosmos A (v. Arezzo)

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