Young offspring of VDL Stallion performed well in Belgium.

There were several placings for young offspring of VDL Stallions in competitions for young showjumpers, during CSIYH1* Lier,

Never Alone van ‘t Heike (Indoctro x Grandeur) was placed as 4th in the competition for 5 and 6 year old showjumpers. Never Alone is ridden by Julie de Pelsmaeker.
In this competition, I Have No Name (Durango x Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve) and rider Jelmer Hoekstra was placed as 4th. Gweedore vd Groote Kamps Z (Glasgow van ‘t Merelsnest x Corland) was placed as 6th and ridden by Harrie Wiering.
Gacarla VDL (Arezzo x Indoctro) and Suus Kuyten were placed as 8th in the competition for 7 year old showjumpers.
Geste van de Vitha (Zirocco Blue x Quite Easy) was placed as 8th in a 1.35m competition, during the CSI2* show in Lier. Geste van de Vitha is ridden by Bart Clarys.
Orso del Terriccio (s. Indoctro) and Yves Houtackers were placed as 9th in a 1.40m competition.

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