Order ICSI

Details of owner :
Details for delivery :
Other address for delivery?
Contractor :

VDL Semen Sales BV
Mr. W.Y. van de Lageweg
Bearsterdyk 14
9025 BR

Stallion :
Details of mare :
ICSI procedure :

Conditions :
Buyers agreement :

With signing this contract buyer agrees with the following terms and conditions:

  • MARE OWNER agrees to pay the full studfee of the stallion in advance, as well as any additional charges involved for board, insemination and care costs, or for semen shipping.
  • The Studfee includes one ICSI-session per mare.
  • Payment can be done by banktransfer.
  • If MARE OWNER is registering a foal of with any studbook in the world, without notifying and paying the stallion-owner for the semen, the mare owner will pay a fine to stallion owner of euro 5.000,-- per life born foal.
  • VDL Stud in not selling single straws, to be used for breeding or ICSI or Embryo Transplant. Non-used straws must be returned to VDL stud.
  • All semen remains the property of VDL Stud. Selling of any unused semen is strictly forbidden, the customer agrees to pay VDL Stud an additional full stud fee for every used or unused straw not returned to VDL Stud.
  • If there are pregnancies resulting from the icsi-procedure, mare-owner will inform the sire owner, after which sire owner will supply mare-owner with covering-birth certificates. Mare-owner will supply sire owner with the number of embryo’s succesfully collected from this procedure, as well as the names of the donor-mares in which the embryos are transferred.
  • VDL Semen Sales accept no liability whatsoever for damage, sickness or injury to people, animals, transportation or otherwise.
  • The mare-owner is buying the use of the frozen semen from the stallion-owner in the Netherlands. In the event of any controversy related to the scope of this contract, both parties voluntarily accept the jurisdiction of the courts in the Netherlands, hereby waiving any other national or foreign jurisdiction.


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