Elliot VDL (Casall x Goodtimes) finished this weekend 6th in the Final of the Open Swedish Championship for 4 years old Championship. Elliot VDL was ridden by Magnus Osterlund and was clear in the qualifiers and in the final. Placed 7th in this class was Anna-Clara Pettersson with Lisbeth (Callahan VDL x Dagomba).
In the Open Swedish Championship for 5 years old jumpers Carlo (Callahan VDL x Akito Z), ridden by Sandra Fransson, placed 2nd and in 8th place finished Final Chapter PS (Cardento x Steinbeck) ridden by Angelica Nilsson.
In the final of the 6 year old jumpers Candlelight K (Cardento x Everest) ridden by Stina Lilje, placed 3rd.
In the final of the 7 years old Chakira (Cardento x Cortez) and her rider Elin Jansson placed 4th and in 7th place finished another offspring of Cardento: Cue Channa (Cardento x Robin Z), ridden by Sebastian Numminen.
