Ringwood Glen (VDL Arkansas x Kilglass Pennistone), ridden by Capt. Michael Kelly placed 6th in the Gaston Glock's Championat of Vienna in Austria.

Ringwood Glen
Hello Sanctos (Quasimodo v. Molendreef x Nabab de Reve), ridden by Scott Brash, placed 4th in a 1.60m class.
Sensation (Corland x Emilion), ridden by Suzanne Tepper, placed 2nd in the final of the 1.25/1.30m Silver Tour, Wynesch (Goodtimes x Cor de la Bryere), ridden by Stefano Nogara placed 9th.
5th 1.45m class: VDL Groep Arera C (Indoctro x Voltaire), ridden by Maikel van der Vleuten
6th 1.45m and 8th 1.40m classes: Wodka Lime (Indorado x Ladalco), ridden by Alice Janout
7th 1.40m class: Aksai Chin Vdl (Chin Chin x Cilton), ridden by Suzanne Tepper
1st and 3rd 1.25/1.30m classes: Sensation and Suzanne Tepper
7th and 9th 1.25/1.30m classes: Wynesch and Stefano Nogara