Wollie Bollie (Cantos x Zuidhorn) and Charlotte Barbey became 6th in the Grand Prix of Mijas in Spain.
Cavalia W.H. (Indoctro x Corland) and Lara Whiteway won a Premium Big Tour class just like Charmeur* (Sydney x Elcaro), ridden by Doron Kuipers. This last combination also placed 2nd in a Premium Big Tour class.
Si Jaloup Petit Joe (Indoctro x Quidam de Revel) and Laura Roquet won a Master Medium class and placed 4th in another Master Medium class.
More offspring of our stallions placed as follows:
2nd and 4th 5-year old classes: Floyd (Vermont x Ahorn), ridden by Pieter Post
2nd 5- year old class: Fenna (Marlon x Glennridge), ridden by Joost Post
3rd and 9th 5- year old class: Fanta Lime (Cantos x Lux), gereden door Bart van der Maat
3rd 6- year old class: Ella Sandra G (Zirocco Blue x Emilion), ridden by Sophie Ryan
7th 6- year old class: Chief Tibriz (Corland x Berlin), ridden by Diego Perez-Bilbao
3rd 7- year old class: Diesel (Indoctro x Jumbo-Jet), ridden by Bart van der Maat
7th 7- year old class: Darling HDH (Douglas x Oklund), ridden by Anna Edwards
9th Premium Small class: Canada (Cardento x Landlord), ridden by Bram Roos
3rd Master Small class: Si Jaloup Petit Joe en Laura Roquet
7th Premium Medium class: Zardo (Indoctro x Jimtown), ridden by Maria Cruz-Conde Lacoba
2nd and 6th Master Medium classes: Wotherspoon (Indorado x Julio Mariner), ridden by Lara Whiteway
5th Master Medium class: Anja (Sydney x Faram), ridden by Rodrigo Diaz
6th Master Big class: Asha di San Patrignano (Indoctro x Westminster), ridden by Francesco Turturiello
9th Master Big class: Wollie Bollie (Cantos x Zuidhorn), ridden by Charlotte Barbey
Wollie Bollie