Another good result for Cardento’s halfbrother VDL Cartello (Cartani x Lord) and James Billington. Yesterday they finished in 5th place in the Grand Prix of Asten. Placed 3rd was Cavendish (Cantos x Ulster), ridden by Niels Knape.
Celena VDL (Mr. Blue x Chin Chin), also ridden by James Billington was 2nd in a 1.45m class.
And our approved stallion Baltic jumped very well, he placed 7th in a 1.35m class.
Winston (Cantos x Concorde), ridden by Piet jr. Raijmakers won a 1.40m class and Dolinn (Cardento x Lux), ridden by Loewie Joppen, placed 4th in the Young jumpers class.