Donjo (s. Zirocco Blue) and Juraj Hanulay jr. won two 7-year old classes against the clock at the 3* show of Samorin, Slovakia.
Crespo VDL (Canturo x Candillo), ridden by Robert Vos, placed 8th in the Derby against the clock.
Winn Winn (Chin Chin x Wagenaar) and Andrew Ramsay won a 1.50m class against the clock and with Welfare (Pacific x Zortin) Ramsay won two 1.45m classes against the clock.
3rd 1.50m class against the clock: Carat (Cardento x Krevad), ridden by Robert Vos
6th 1.40m class against the clock: Clooney (Cardento x Voltaire), ridden by Max Kuehner
7th 7- year old class against the clock: Diva (Indoctro x Nimmerdor), ridden by Robert Vos
Crespo VDL