Goldenstar (s. Bacardi) 2nd in Grand Prix RWC Exloo

Goldenstar (Bacardi VDL x Ipsylon B) and Alex David Gill placed 2nd in the Grand Prix of the Roelofsen Horsetrucks Winter Classics competition in Exloo. The Grand Prix was won by Florian (Zirocco Blue x Cardento), ridden by Albert Zoer, Famariloma (Azteca VDL x Ahorn), ridden by Steven Veldhuis, ended up 4th.
There was also a double clear round in the Grand Prix for our stallion Grand Slam, also ridden by Alex David Gill. The combination finished in a nice 10th place.
Hazelhorst I (Cardento x Triomphe de Muze) ridden by Pim Mulder, placed 2nd in the 1.40m class and Hoselinde (Campbell VDL x Zeus), ridden by Steven Veldhuis, placed 3rd.
Watch here the video’s of Goldenstar: 1st round and jump off.

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