Storlande Gun (Harley VDL) kampioen veulenkeuring Zuidenveld

ZUIDENVELD - Storlande Gun (Harley VDL X Cavalier), bred by N.S.J. van de Gun from Spier (NED), received the championship ribbon after the foal inspection in Zuidenveld.

Third was Skyelinn Cerise (Chatinue x Verdi). This filly is the successful breeding product of J.H.M. Linneman from Schoonebeek (NED).

Of the eleven foals in the championship selection, six were descended from VDL stallions.





Storlande Gun Harley VDL x  Cavalier  N.S.J. van de Gun, Spier             Champion
Skyelinn Cerise Chatinue x  Verdi J.H.M. Linnemann, Schoonebeek 3
Starboy Landino VDL x Arezzo VDL E. 't Hoofd, Nieuweroord 5
Sanita L Arezzo VDL x Quite Easy I G.J. Lucas, Nieuw Schoonebeek 6
Sis Zinelord x Carrera VDL Joh. H. Lufting, Dalen 9
Stig McAllister VDL x Don Diablo HX Joh. H. Lufting, Dalen 10


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Harley VDL

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