Best Boy de Logerie (s. Corland) 4th in 1* Grand Prix Barbizon, France

Best Boy de Logerie (Corland x Zandor) and Thibault Lacrevaz became 4th in the 1* Grand Prix of Barbizon, France.
At the 2* jumping of Barbizon Ina of ten Biesen (Cardento x Landsdown) and Stephanie Hennequin won a 1.35m class.
3rd 1.40m class: Chiricco 2 (Chin Chin x Figaro), ridden by Jake Hunter
9th 1.40m class: Darcoloma S (Douglas x Libero H), ridden by Yasmina Bocti
9th 1.40m young jumper class: Charlie du Breuilo (Corland x Cascavelle), ridden by Nathalie Mack
CSI3* Canteleu, France
Dassler (Douglas x Cassini II) and Louise Saywell won a 1.35m class at the jumping of Canteleu.
7th 1.35m class: Utah de Blondel (Sheraton x Vonda), ridden by Pauline Guignery
4th 1.50m class: Vik II (s. Cantos), ridden by Lance Whitheouse
3rd 1.40m young jumper class: Glamour Girl (Zirocco Blue x Caletto I), ridden by Charlotte Bettendorf

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