Every year during the International Stallion Show there is organized an Offspring Championship. In this Championship there were good results for the offspring of Indoctro and Orame.
In the 1.10/1.20 m Championship there was the 3rd place for the offspring of Indoctro:
Al Capone, ridden by Liseth Vetker
Comis van de Vitha, ridden by Jessica Dozeman
Opala, ridden by Hilde Woudstra
The 4th place was for offspring of Orame:
Victory, ridden by Bernhard Dirksen
Usday VDL, ridden by Ernesto Cansecco
Up to Date, ridden by Dennis Kuipers.
In the 1.30m/1.35m class there was a 3rd place for offspring of Indoctro:
Urlando, ridden by Yvonne van Dijk
Rykje, ridden by Nella Bijlsma
Parterrefee, ridden by Folkert Kelderman.
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