The Corland-mare Heechhiem's Tersina, ridden by Nathalie van der Mei has won a 1.40m competition at CSI Gelderland. 6th in this competition was the Emilion-son VDL Twister, ridden by Dennis van Tilburg.
The Emilion-son VDL Emmerton, ridden by Jur Vrieling was 3rd in a 1.50m competition.
The Emilion-son VDL Groep Tomboy, ridden by Eric van der Vleuten was 3rd in the Grand Prix. The Indorado-mare Eurocommerce Milano, ridden by Gerco Schr�der was 7th in this competition.
The Corland-mare HBC Dancing Queen, ridden by Julia Kayser was 4th in a 1.45m competition. The Indorado-mare Eurocommerce Lanapoule, ridden by Tom Brinkman was 10th in this competition, she was also 7th in a 1.45m two phases competition.
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