Tinkas Boy semen available at the VDL

The VDL Stud has semen of the World Famous stallion Tinka's Boy available in the next breedingseason. This is agreed with Tinka's Boy's rider Markus Fuchs. 
The stallion, who is now 21 years old, won the World Cup Final in Gothenburg and was winner of the Individual and Team Silver Medal at the European Championships. He placed 2d in the World Cup Final in Las Vegas and he won the Team Silver Medal at the Olympics of Sydney. He also won several Grand Prix like Aachen, London, Bordeaux, Dublin, Berlin, etc.
He won a total sum of 2,5 million Swiss Frank (almost 1.9 million Euro's)
The stallions seems to  be a good breeding stallion  as he alreary brought several international jumpers. Tinka's Boy is approved by AES,  Selle Francais, Hannoveraner Verband and the studbook in Switserland.

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