Topscores for Cardento-mare Bybalia SMH

The Cardento-mare Bybalia SMH received the highest IBOP score of the year 2011. She received a total of 90 points for her IBOP test. She received a 9,5 for her galop and for her reflex and scope she received a 9.  The 5 years old mare is bred and owned by M. Hovengaand she was ridden by Nella Bijlsma.

There were also high scores for the Douglas-mare Dolivia VDL, she received a total of 85 points an dplaced 2nd. She is bred and owned by the VDL Stud, her mother is the Nimmerdor-mare Molivia. Dolivia VDL got a 9 for scope.

The Cantos-mare Alrike received 76,5 points and also passed her test. She is bred by J.Kiers and owned by  J. Lufting from Dalen. The mare was ridden by  Marcel de Boer.

Also the Indoctro-mare Carina passed  for her IBOP test with a score of 75 points. Carina is bred by the VDL Stud and owned by E. J. Grootenhuis from  Olst.  The mare was ridden by Arjan Steinweg.

In the IBOP test for dressage horses there were high scores for the Flemmingh-mare Wera, she received a score of 80 points. The 8 years old mare is bred by  E. van der Veer from  Broeksterwoude and owned by A. Postma from Doezum, the mare is ridden by  Monique van der Meij.

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