Eurocommerce California (s. Corland) 10th in Grand Prix of Dortmund, Germany.

Eurocommerce California (s. Corland) and Gerco Schroeder placed10th in the Grand Prix of Dortmund in Germany. They also placed 2nd in a 1.50m class.
"" Eurocommerce California

Fento Chin S (s. Chin Chin) and Joe Clee placed 9th in a 7/8-year old jumper class and 7th in a 1.40m class.
Valentin (s. Pacific) jumped with rider Carsten Averkamp to a 6th place in a 1.45m class against the clock and Wollie Bollie (s. Cantos), ridden by Albert Zoer, placed 8th in an other 1.45m class.

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