Zavall 4th in 1.40m class at CSI Lamprechtshausen

Zavall VDL competed this last weekend at the international horse show of Lamprechtshausen in Germany. The young stallion and his rider Jur Vrieling jumped great and placed 4th in a 1.40m class.

In the Grand Prix there were good results for Eurocommerce Damascus (by Cardento) and his rider Angelique Hoorn, they finished 8th.

In several classes offspring of Cantos placed high:
3rd in class for 6 and 7 year olds: Balance (Cantos x Peter Pan), ridden by Jana Slavikova
6th in class for 6 and 7 year olds: Amalia (Cantos x Voltaire), ridden by  Niklaus Rutschi
3rd + 5th 1.35m: Zalsa HS (Cantos x Henzo), ridden by Hendrik Jan Schuttert
6th 1.25m: Zantos B (Cantos x Hamlet), ridden by Elizaveta Polytsina

"" Zavall VDL

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