The Pugilist (s. Douglas) 5th in Grand Prix Kilmeague, Ireland

The Pugilist (s. Douglas) placed 5th with Neal Fearon in the Grand Prix of Kilmeague in Ireland.

CSI 2* Auvers, France
Nice Stephanie (s. Cardento) and Penelope Leprevost placed 5th in the Grand Prix and they also placed 5th in a 1.45m class.
Stranger (s. Corland), ridden by Keith Shore, placed 3rd in a 1.45m class and Elabra de Laubry (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Damien Haelterman, placed 5th in a 1.35m class.

CSI 2* Herlufmagle, Denmark
Eldorf (s. Emmerton) and Alexander Zetterman placed 5th in the Grand Prix and they also placed 5th in a1.40m class against the clock.

CSI 2* Ranshofen, Austria
3rd 7-year old jumper class: Mister Mandingo (s. Marlon), ridden by Astrid Kneifel
2nd 1.45m class: Voirrelinde J.J. (s. Orame), ridden by Jurgen Stenfert
3rd 1.45m class: Coral Springs (v. Douglas), ridden by Matthias Mock
2nd 1.40m class and 5th 1.35m class against the clock: Axel (s. Ahorn), ridden by Stefan Eder

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