Dakota VDL 3rd in WEF finals of the 5 year old jumpers

Today were the finals at the WEF in the USA for the 5 year old jumpers. VDL horses did very well in these finals. The approved stallion Dakota VDL (Casall x Contender) placed 3rd in this final and Diorado VDL (Indorado x Corland) placed 4th. Both horses were ridden by Jill  Prieto.  Finished 7th was G&C Don Vito (Quaprice x Jus de Pomme), ridden by Luis Miguel Martinez , G&C Don Vito is a full brother of our approved stallion Baltic VDL.
Defender J.W.B (Chin Chin x Sheraton) and his rider Mario Gomboa finished in 8th place.

All 4 horses were sold in the VDL auction 2012, which took place at the WEF.

"" Dakota VDL

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