Absie (s. Corland) wins Grand Prix Drachten

Absie (Corland x Heartbreaker) and Andrew Ramsay won the Grand Prix of Drachten , Wollie Bollie (Cantos x Zuidhorn) and Albert Zoer placed 8th.

Zippo (Indoctro x Zeus) and Ernesto Canseco placed 4th in a 1.35m class.

More offspring of VDL Stud hengsten placed as follows:
8th 1.45m and 2nd 1.40m classes: Ardenta (Cardento x Peter Pan), ridden by Dominique Roelofsen
3rd 1.40m class against the clock: Bentley M (Cardento x Canaletto), ridden by Bjorn Egberink
3rd 1.40m class: Abache H (Cantos x Lux), ridden by Charlotte Verhagen
8th 1.40m class: Zorro (Emilion x Nimmerdor), ridden by Leopold van Asten
3rd 1.35m class against the clock: Vona (Cantos x Mr Blue), ridden by Kristian Houwen
6th 1.35m class: Annabel (Cantos x Nimmerdor), ridden by Vincent Geerink
7th 1.35m class: Adea (Indoctro x Nabuur), ridden by Martijn Veenstra
9th 1.35m class: Balando (Indoctro x Ahorn), ridden by Hartwig Rohde
9th 1.35m class against the clock: Voirrellinde J.J. (Orame x Holland), ridden by Megan Jansen
3rd 1.35m class and 10th 1.35m class against the clock: Bologna (Emilion x Gerlinus), ridden by Andrew Ramsay

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