Nice Stephanie (Cardento x Ralmé Z), ridden by Penelope Leprevost, won a 1.50m class at the CSI-W 5* Bordeaux in France, Zaire (Indoctro x Marlon), ridden by Guy Williams, won a 1.45m class and Carat (Cardento x Krevad), ridden by Robert Vos, won a 1.40m class against the clock.
Nice Stephanie
4th 1.50m and 2nd 1.45m classes: Carat en Robert Vos
8th 1.50m class: Arera C (Indoctro x Voltaire), ridden by Maikel van der Vleuten
5th 1.45m class: Zafir (Orame x Marlon), ridden by Jerome Hurel
6th 1.40m class against the clock: Zaire and Guy Williams.