Zirocco Blue wins Grand Prix Vestfold

Jur Vrieling and Zirocco Blue VDLwon the Grand Prix of Vestfold this afternoon. There were 7 competitors qualified for the jump-off of this 1.45m Grand Prix.  Jur Vrieling and Zirocco Blue made a clear round and the fastest time in this jump-off.

Bugatti VDL and Suzanne Tepper won the final of the  Medium Tour, a 1.40m class, on Saturday evening. And they also placed 6th in a 1.40m class against the clock. This class was won by the Emilion-mare  V Nancy B , ridden by Fredrik Seim.

There were also good results for Azteca VDL and  Corino VDL, both leased to  Braaten Gard in Norway for breedingj. Corino VDL, ridden by Bakke Thormod Johnsen placed 2nd in the final class of the 5 year old jumpers. Also in the 2 qualifiers he was placed, he finished 2nd and 7th.
Azteca VDL, also ridden by  Bakke Thormod Johnsen competed 3 times and was placed 3 times. One time he finished 3rd and he was two times 4th in the Bronze Tour.


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