Offspring VDL Stallions win at NIC Assen

Offspring of VDL Stallions performed very well this weekend at the NIC Assen.

On Saturday evening the 1.40m class was won by Robert Vos and his horse Carat (Cardento x Krevad), and in 2nd place finished Suzanne Tepper with Sensation (Corland x Emilion). Valerie FS (Indoctro x Ahorn), ridden by Vanessa Mannix placed 6th. They also finished 2nd in the VDL Stud price, a 1.40m class on Sunday.

On Friday evening there was a victory in the 1.45m class for Winn Winn (Chin Chin x Wagenaar), ridden by Andrew Ramsay and in 3rd place was World Wide (Corland x Animo) and his rider Harrie Wiering.

Chardon (Darco x Indoctro), ridden by Michiel Brusse, was 2nd in a 1.30m class. Donderju, a son of Douglas ridden by Michael Greeve placed 7th.

The finals of the 1.10m NIC Cup was won by Offichem’s Enough (Carolus II x Empire), ridden by Rianne Visscher. Djoost Again (Cantos x Joost) and his rider Anja Veldema placed 7th and in 8th place finished VDL Fort Knox (Baltic x Argentinus), ridden by Claus Beishuizen.

The finals of the 1.20m NIC Cup was won by Joukje van der Meer with Heechhiems Bersina VDM (Corland x Nimmerdor). Jules de Bruijn placed 6th with De Beers VDL (Douglas x Mermus) and he won the qualifier class on Thursday.

Doklahoma VDL (Baloubet du Rouet x Emilion) and her rider James Billington placed 4th in the finals of the 1.30m NIC Cup. Vienna (v. Hattrick), ridden by Amanda Slagter placed 3rd , Denolia (Indoctro x Zuidhorn), ridden by Hester Klompmaker, placed 6th and Buwalda (v. Emilion), ridden by Elina de Jong finished in 8th place.

Celena VDL (Mr. Blue x Chin Chin), ridden by James Billington, placed 4th in the finals of the 1.35m NIC Cup. Benz (Indorado x Zeus), ridden by Sophie Arens, placed 7th and Zivola (Indoctro x Voltaire), ridden by Peter Strijker was 9th.

"" Robert Vos and Carat

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