HHS Diamond (s. Douglas) 5th in Grand Prix Megeve

HHS Diamond x Cavalier) and Nathalie Hoegger became 5th in the 1* Grand Prix of Megeve in France.

BMC Veyron (Indoctro x Jus de Pomme) and Niels Knape placed 6th in a 1.30m class and Ut de Blondel (Sheraton x Vondeen), ridden by Xavier Xhemal, placed 9th in a 1.30m class.

At the 3* jumping of Megeve, Well Done (Sheraton x Zeus) and Julien Gonin won two classes against the clock of 1.40m and 1.35m and they also placed 2nd in a 1.45m class.

4th 1.50m class against the clock: Andretti S (Corland x Animo), ridden by Laura Kraut Kent
7th 1.50m class against the clock: U Chin van Schuttershof (Chin Chin x Power Light), ridden by Thierry Goffinet
3rd 1.40m class against the clock: Cenwood delle Lame (Emilion x Riverman), ridden by Massimo Grossato
5th and 8th 1.40m classes: Orlhenddo d´Halong (Corland x Quidam de Revel), ridden by Jean Xhemal
6th 1.35m class against the clock: Carmen vd E (Indoctro x Nimmerdor), ridden by Marion Skalli

"" Veyron

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