VDL Wizard (s. Gentleman) 2nd in Worldcup Qualifier Washington

VDL Wizard (Gentleman x Ahorn) and Callan Solem placed 2nd in the Worldcup Qualifier of Washington in the VS. Cafino (Cardento x Roderik) and Victoria Colvin placed 5th in this qualifier and they also won a 1.50m class.
"" Cafino

Laura Kraut placed with 2 horses in a 1.50m class: with Andretti S (Corland x Animo) she became 3rd and with Constable II (Harley VDL x Lupicor) she became 9th.
Maya (Cardento x Turban Rose) and Conor O'Regan placed 5th in a 1.45m class.

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