Super facilities
Where there especially at the beginning of the Games noises sounded negative about the stay of the athletes, there's been nothing but praise for the facilities for the horses at Deodoro. "It's really beautiful stables. The horses are calm and cool. The conditions here are just right. For me, may all the Games Begin, "Jur responds enthusiastically."I train Zirocco until Friday, when we have the vetcheck, just some dressage and will likely ride him twice a day. Saturday we have a practice round at the stadium, which I would expect to make some jumps with him. And then at Sunday we can start. "
Nothing more to desire
Whatever happens, the preparation cannot be better, Jur says. "Zirocco is really ready for it. It may sound a bit arrogant, but I have this Olympics with Zirocco already for many years in my head. If it can with one, then it is with him, I thought all the time.
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