Baltic-son Leone Jei became fifth in the Grand Prix of La Baule

At the Grand Prix of La Baule, Leone Jei (by Baltic) managed to finish in a great fifth place. With 11 jump-off candidates, it was an exciting jump-off and Martin Fuchs and Leone Jei (by Baltic) managed to finish in fifth place. The Baltic son is bred by G.M. van Mersbergen from Udenhout.

There was even more success in France, with Krachtpatser (by Carrera) winning the Grand Prix in Sancourt. Only 3 combinations managed to qualify for the jump-off in which the Carrera son convincingly managed to set the fastest clear round with Mario Wilson Fernandes. E. Enzerink is the breeder of Krachtpatser (by Carrera).

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Leone Jei (v. Baltic)

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