Eldorado (s. Zapatero) wins Grand Prix Mullingar

Eldorado (Zapatero x Kojak) and Alexander Butler won the 2* Grand Prix of Mullingar, Ireland.

Whipped Cream (Cantos x Celano) nad Lily Engelsman won the CSIOCh- Grand Prix of Wierden.


More offspring of our stallions placed as follows in different Grand Prix’s in Europa:

CSIO5* St Gallen, Switzerland
2nd Dsarie (Veron x Ahorn) and Beat Mändli

CSIO3* Lissabon, Portugal
8th Samson II (Cardento x Bellini), ridden by Zazou Hoffman
9th Coral Springs (Douglas x Cavalier Royale), ridden by Manjun Kwon

CSI3* Ciekocinko, Poland
3rd Eurvette O (Douglas x Manhattan), ridden by Andreas Schou

CSI2* Opglabbeek, Belgium
2nd Chief Tibri Z (Corland x Berlin), ridden by Pedro Junqueira Muylaert
6th First of April CL (Arezzo x Oklund), ridden by Antonio Alfonso


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