Follow the WEF Sporthorse auction live tonight!

WELLINGTON - It's almost time! The WEF Sporthorse auction takes place in Wellington tonight. You can follow the auction of the 15 jumping horses live! Commencement is at 07.00 p.m. EST, which is 02.00 a.m. Dutch time (MET, GMT +1).

The WEF Sport Horse Auction takes place at The Stadium at PBIEC in Wellington. Fifteen young and talented show jumpers from the VDL Stud, aged 4 to 8 years, will be auctioned.

You can follow the auction LIVE via this link..

You can see the presentation of all auction horses via this link.

The complete collection of auction horses can be found online at: or like the Facebook pagina and Instagram of the auction where you can find more information.

For more information about the auction you can contact Janko van de Lageweg:
mobile: +1 (832) 706-3407 or

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