Homey (Cardento x Heartbreaker) won during CSI Vejer de la Frontera, two competitions for 7-year old showjumpers. Homey is ridden by Emma Augier de Moussac.
And there were more offspring of Cardento succesfull in Spain during CSI Vejer de la Frontera. Flinstering du Monden (ds. Indoctro) was placed trice in 1.30m competitions. She won a competition, was placed as 4th and also as 6th. Flinstering du Monden is ridden by Elizabeth Rose Lutener. Estella (Cardento x Odermus) and Angelie vaon Esswen was placed as 9th in a 1.40m competition.
In this 1.40m competition, Charly Chaplin (Harley x Burggraaf) and Greg Broderick were placed as 5th. Constable II (Harley x Lupicor and Julie Welles were placed as 10th in another 1.40m competition.
Also two offspring of Glasgow van ’t Merelsnest were placed. Bitcoin (ds. Heartbreaker) was placed as 3rd in a 1.30m competition with rider Henk van de Pol. Hero (ds. Voltaire) and Jens Wickström were placed in a competition for 7-year old showjumpers
Other results in the competition for young showjumpers:
5-year old jumpers:
- Janeiro (Arezzo x Arizon) and rider Max Routledge were placed as 8th and as 9th
- Orchis van de Donkhoeve (Carrera x Dulf van den Bisschop) and Leonie Aitkenhead were placed as 2nd.
- Jordi-Zavall (Zavall x Chin Chin) and David McPherson were placed as 3rd
6-year old jumpers:
- Iryolga GR (Everglade x Lord Z) and David Mcpherson won a competition.
- Intense Royal Z (Inshallah de Muze x Quantum) was placed as 6th with rider Leonie Aitkenhead.
- Itamorkus (Zavall x Matterhorn) and Spencer Roe were placed as 9th.
7-year old jumpers:
- Homme (Inshallah de Muze x Warrant) and Lucy Wood were placed as 6th.
Other results of CSI Vejer de la Frontera:
- 4th in 1.50m: Djoost Again (Cantos x Joost) and Eric van der Vleuten
- 5th in 1.50m: Chief Tibri Z MFS (Corland x Berlin) and Pedro Junqueira Muylaert
- 2nd in 1.45m: Djoost Again (Cantos x Joost) and Eric van der Vleuten
- 8th in 1.45m: Chief Tibri Z MFS (Corland x Berlin) and Pedro Junqueira Muylaert
- 10th in 1.45m: Dexter (v. Wittinger) and Charlie Jones
- 2nd in 1.40m: Fusion (Corland x Indorado) and Juan Pablo Garriz
- 7th in 1.40m: Dexter (v. Wittinger) and Charlie Jones
- 2nd in 1.35m: Bugatti X (Bugatti x Chin Chin) and Kerry MC Cahill
- 3rd in 1.35m: Glorialudine (Baltic x Goodtimes) and Morgan Kent
- 3rd en 4th in 1.30m: Impossible (Inshallah de Muze x Concorde) and Jay Halim
- 4th in 1.30m: Fusion (Corland x Indorado) and Juan Pablo Garriz
- 9th in 1.30m: Feliano B (Zirocco Blue x Karandasj) and Camilla Bingham
- Twice as 4th and 9th in 1.10m: Decantos v/d Vrendt (Cantos x Lux) and Irene Santens
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