Parette (Pessoa VDL x Barinello) and Lisa Carlsen became 4th in the Grand Prix of Wellington, Florida, during the 8th week of the WEF.
Fursina VDL (Campbell VDL x Quick Star), ridden by Pablo Barrios, won a 1.30m class and Ibaltic BH (Baltic x Burggraaf), ridden by Emmy Tromp, won a 5-year old class.
2nd and 3rd 1.45m classes: Celebrity VDL (Indoctro x Emilion), ridden by Danielle Goldstein
3rd 1.45m class: Emorkus RE (Quasimodo vd Molendreef x Haarlem), ridden by Ransome Rombauer
6th 1.45m class: Harley’s Hero VT (Harley x Indorado)
6th Farona (Baltic x Lux), ridden by Daniel Coyle
7th 1.45m class: Darosso VDL (Carosso VDL x Indoctro), ridden by Jad Dana
7th 1.45m and 10th 1.40m classes: Indoktro K van’t Kattenheye (Indoctro x Kannan), ridden by Susan Griffis
9th 1.45m class: Tosca de l’Esques (Cardento x Apache d’Adriers), ridden by Fabio Leivas da Costa
9th 1.45m class: Durosa W (Zirocco Blue x Manhattan), ridden by Mckayla Langmeier
9th 1.40m class: Ehrens (Cardento x Concorde), ridden by Luciana Roberta Gonzalez Guerra
10th 1.35m class: Camillo VDL (Douglas x Baloubet du Rouet), ridden by Peter Lutz
10th 1.30m class: De Opera VDL (Indorado x Ahorn), ridden by Joseph Sorce
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