This coming Saturday: VDL Stallionshow

This coming Saturday the annual stallion show of the VDL Stud will take place.

In a sequence running show of about 2.5 hours, the 2017 stallion collection of the VDL Stud will be presented.

The proven als  Arezzo, Bubalu, Cardento,  Douglas, Emilion, Falaise de Muze, Harley, Indoctro, Quasimodo vd Molendreef and Zapatero will be shown by hand

Several international showjumping combinations will appear in the arena . James Billington will ride  Baltic, Dakar and Comfortuna,  Jur Vrieling shows the stallions Corporal, Dallas, Etoulon, Freeman,  Glasgow van ’t Merelsnest and  Zirocco Blue. Durango will be under saddle with  Lennard de Boer.

The younger generation stallions Brantzau, Cohinoor, Comthago, Cornet’s Diamond, Davenport, Glenfiddich, Global Express, Good Fellow, Grand Slam, Hampshire, Insider, Impressive, Inspiration, Inaico and Irvington will be shown under saddle or by hand.

For the dressage breeders there is an interesting selection of stallions with Desperado, Four Legends, Ebony and  Hennessy. These stallions will be presented under saddle by famous riders as Emmelie Scholtens, Vai Bruntink, Stephanie Kooijman and Kim Koolen.

Offspring of several stallions will be shown as well.

It promises to be another spectacular show full of breeding and sport!

Everyone is welcome at Bears!

The show starts at 14: 00hrs and will be broadcast live on

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